Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 4

Day 1 ~ My work buddies, Leigh and Regina, returned after being on an RnD trip for nearly two weeks.  I missed them terribly and am so happy to have them back! :)
Kristin and Leigh

Day 2 ~ The store had a sale and I have a drinking problem, so this is the result.
Nectar of the gods

Days 3,4,5 ~ Yep.  This is how I felt these three days.
Mmmm...emotional eating

Day 6 ~ After a music showcase at Hope Coffee on the DTS campus, a couple of us played "Pitch" back at the dorm.
Sucy, Ann, and Kristin

Day 7 ~ I went to lunch after service with a couple of people from City Church International. 
Kristin, Michelle, a married couple I forgot their names, Nathan, a guy I forgot his name, Camille, Twig, and Rosemary

I rejoice in the temporariness of my funky mood this week, pray the Lord will continue to remind me to reach out to friends if I'm feeling down, and am thankful the Lord has provided a plethora of opportunities for fellowship.

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