Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week 3

Day 1 ~ Abi and I hit the gym to work out our New Year's resolutions to be less schlubby.
Kristin and Abi

Day 2 ~ Delish fruit smoothie post workout.  Being healthy tastes great. :)

Day 3 ~ First day back with my Sweet Seminary Sisters!  Love these ladies!! 
Abi, Ann, PJ, Kristin, Lisa, Amelia, Kim

Day 4 ~ Lit my last fire of the season while studying, tonight.  This is me being optimistic that the weather will turn spring-ish soon.
Last if winter,,,I hope

Day 5 ~ Another day of class video watching. Diet Mountain Dew - check. Study snack - check. Surrounded by comfy pillows - check.
Ready. Set. Study!

Day 6 ~ Sure enough, Saturday weather was stunningly beautiful, so Abby and I played tennis.
Kristin and Abby

Day 7 ~ Sunday night volleyball at Washington Hall!
Sucy, Ann, J-Todd, etc.

I'm a purple taco

I rejoice in my dear friends who keep me accountable, pray the Lord helps me sustain my school/work/life balance better this year, and am thankful for a healthy body which allows me to have fun being sporty. ✝

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