Sunday, January 11, 2015

Week 2

Day 1 ~ This was a week of deliberate pampering since it was my last week of freedom before the new semester.  Monday's highlights consisted of a candlelit bubble-bath followed by a mani-pedi.
Relaxing and Bubbly

Day 2 ~ Because the country was in the midst of a freezing cold spell, I celebrated by building a fire in my fireplace nearly every day.
Warm and Toasty

Day 3 ~ After six months in Dallas, I finally made it out to Swing Night with some fellow DTS students.  It was wonderful to be dancing again...can't believe how much I missed it.
Shane?/Shawn?, Eun Soo, Kristin, Stacy, Rachel, Nile

Day 4 ~ Relaxation time continued on Thursday as I started work on a fun, new "twist scarf."  A twist scarf isn't really a thing, but I didn't like how the design was working out with the new yarn, so I twisted it and I like that effect better.
Soft and Cuddly

Day 5 ~ Abby had a brilliant idea to make "dream boards" about our hopes and dreams for the new year.  We flipped through magazines and cut out pictures and words, then glued them on a poster-board.  It was really cool to see my goals for 2015 mapped on in living color. :)
Sucy and Abby

Serious Pizza Face

Day 6 ~ We decided to have a game night at Washington Hall.  Gestures and Hand & Foot were the games of the nights. 
Club House at Washington Hall

Day 7 ~ My church, City Church International, had an "Encounter" service Sunday night.  It was a very moving time of singing and prayer aimed at the individual establishing a fuller connection to God and his purpose in their life.
Prayer For Our Healthcare Professionals (Megan)

I rejoice in the freedom to relax and enjoy life, pray that God helps me sustain my attitude of gratitude for the whole year, and am thankful for opportunities to feel God's presence in my life every single day. ✝

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