Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week 1

Day 1 ~ Fun tradition at my office...our vendors send us tons of Christmas treats in the mail.  Our air carrier won the awesomest food basket award with this monstrosity of California themed snacks.

Mmm...workplace munchies

Day 2 ~ Abi, Megan, and I had a fun girlie night sorting through my closet for clothes and jewelry to wear on New Year's Eve. 

Options galore!


Day 3 ~ New Year's Eve 2014 consisted of Abi, Megan, and I making a road trip down to Austin for a party at the ManPalace on the Lake.  It was bittersweet seeing everyone, again.  More sweet than bitter, though. :)   

Texas Blue Bonnet Photo with 

Kristin, Abi, and Megan

Greg, Clay, Kristin, and Tim

Jerry, Christina, Paul, a pretty girl in red, Khris, 

Kristin, David, and half a pretty girl in red

Day 4 ~  On New Year's Day I hosted a brunch at the Iron Cactus in an attempt to see as many people as I could in my short time in Austin.  It was very hard seeing so many of my favorite people and not being able to take them all back with me to Dallas.

The gang

Day 5 ~ Our office was unable to keep up with the drop in temp outside, so Abby, Leigh, and I were sporting our finest furry blankets all day.  

 Polar Bear Couture

Day 6 ~ Hand and Foot card night with Sucy and Abby.  (I won by a toenail.)

Kristin, Sucy, and Abby

Day 7 ~ I decided to move my furniture around (a monthly occurrence), and I needed a way to hid the cables and the back of my TV.  A trip to Home Depot for plywood, some wood glue, a couple of nails, a can of leftover white paint, and I have myself a cable hider/entry-way delineator.  

Most hideous

Delineator...big word of the day

I rejoice in the wonderful Austin friendships which the Lord has blessed me with, pray that God helps me be a more intentional friend, and am thankful for the new friendships the Lord has given me in Dallas. ✝

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