Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Week 9

Day 1 ~ Like I mentioned last week, during the month of March, Abby, Sucey, and I are going to do the Whole30 healthy eating thing.  As preparation, I bought all my favorite Easter candy to snack on this week since I will miss it next month. I can feel you judging me. 

Best candy holiday, ever!

Day 2 ~ A view of the snow/ice storm that SHUT DOWN Dallas.  It closed DTS for three days.  I was quite smug in my I'm-from-Iowa-this-is-nothing attitude. 

Snowpocalypses 2015

Day 3 ~ So, apparently these soft, southern automobiles couldn't handle the cold, either.  Abby's car wouldn't start, so we Googled, "how to jump start a car."  Nailed it!  It was actually, kinda fun doing something "grown-up."

Blue Belle, Kristin, and the deceased

Blue Belle, Abby, and the deceased

Day 4 ~ Not all of my prep for the Whole30 consisted of sugar-loading, I marinaded 14 pounds of chicken in a variety of approved spices and sauces.  My raspberry vinaigrette marinade turned out just plain funky looking.  Haven't tasted it yet, but I don't think you can go wrong with purple chicken.


Day 5 ~ Sucey, Abby, and I had a wonderful Friday evening eating take-out, watching a movie, and playing cards.  En route to the Thai-nese take-out place, we came across this random, patriotic snowman on the hood of someone's car. #randomroadtripstuff

Sucey, Abby, Kristin and Bob the snowman

Day 6 ~ Saturday night consisted of Amazing Race watching and Hand & Foot with Abby and her brother and sister-in-law (Luke and Abby) at Swiss Tower on campus.

Abby, Abby, and Kristin

Day 7 ~ Due to a crazy week of cancelled work and my general laziness, I had to break my self-imposed no-study Sabbath rule. (In truth, I had about four no-study Sabbath days this week.)  A big paper crept up on me and I had to get a running start before the Tuesday due date.

The Osmosis Study Method

I rejoice in God ensuring the safety of everyone I care about during the bad weather in Dallas, pray I make good use of the next few weeks of spring break for studying, and am thankful for sweet friends who love cards as much as I do. ✝

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