Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 11

Day 1 ~ Office selfie.


Day 2 ~ Registered for fall classes - graduation date is set for May 2016. Woot-woot.

The end is nigh!

Day 3 ~ Got a new pair of shoes in the mail (the pink ones).  It felt like a crime to hide them in the closet, so I decided to set out my pretties so I don't have to rummage in the dark for shoes each morning.

Day 4 ~ I've been struggling with my Spiritual Disciplines of late.  I am having to admit that my academic and personal walk has been badly skewed this semester.  Fortunately, Abby has agreed to help keep me accountable.  Marking it down (and knowing I have to show someone else) will hopefully highlight the areas I need to work on. 

Priority check

Day 5 ~ Friday night was potentially a bad one.  In the middle of watching a movie studying, my computer went bananas - and not in a good way.  I tinkered around a bit (while praying I wasn't deleting the motherboard) and I got it to chill out.  Works fine now.  Thank you for that miracle, Lord.

Oh, the horror

Day 6 ~ Abby, Sucey, and I watched Cinderella!  Great cinematography and costumes.

Abby, Kristin, Sucey

Day 7 ~ Volleyball time at Washington Hall.

Todd, Annette, Stephen, David, Sucey,
Jimmy, Kristin, Davide, Estephanie, Abi

I rejoice in God's provision of a full life, pray I keep my focus on real priorities, and am thankful for Abby's grace in not shooting me when I was unable to complete our Whole30 challenge. ✝

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