Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 6

Day 1 & 2 ~ Due to some hard core procrastination, I was under the crunch on Monday & Tuesday to complete some assignments.  Not how I like to operate, but it is what it is.  Mantra: Tomorrow is a new day.

Brain drain

Day 3 ~ Abby and I found a fun trail near her house to walk on.  There was an underpass with an awesomely oversized painting of bikers. 

Road kill

Day 4 ~ This week was annual reviews at the Morning Star Tours office.  We had some fun with sticky notes as we mapped out our individual roles.

Leigh and Julia

Day 5 ~ Due to a rough week, I didn't have a Day 5 photo, but I came across this during a procrastination break and thought it summed up my feelings on this day.


Day 6 ~ The DTS Eikon media arts group on campus had a workshop to connect with fellow artsy type students.

Artsy types

Day 7 ~ My mom was on vacation from her missionary duties in Honduras and finally in a location with good wifi, so we were able to communicate much easilier (made up word) than usual.  It was awesome to not be encumbered by low-tech issues.

Lucinda and Kristin

I rejoice in the fact that I am seeing how the Lord has been answering prayers in my life, pray the Lord gives me wisdom on some pending decisions, and am thankful for a great relationship with my mother. ✝

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