Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week 8

Day 1 & 2 ~ The first two days of the week were consumed with studying, so the rest of my life was an irrelevant blur.  At times I fear I'll accidentally fall asleep while reading and be squished to death under the weight of my textbooks.

A day in the life...

Day 3 ~ Shamrock Shakes are back at McDonald's in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. I had the shocking realization that I've been drinking these shakes of minty beauty every year for the past 24 years.  Worth. Every. Calorie.


Day 4 ~ After a homework mix-up involving doing the wrong week's homework, I decided to treat myself to some salty goodness in the form of my favorite snack food: Tostitos and salsa/queso.


Day 5 ~ In March, my friend Abby and I have decide to try the Whole 30 eating plan. It's essentially eating as fresh and natural as possible for a month.  Seeing as how I am incompetent in the kitchen (by choice and lack of give-a-hoot), I found myself at a bit of a loss on how to make whole foods taste good.  Bless Abby, she took me around to a few grocery stores and introduced me to the world of spices and label reading.  


Day 6 ~ Sarah had an awesome British-themed Murder Mystery Birthday party.  I was tickled to have an excuse to pull out the beer wench costume from storage.

Wench and Sarah

Day 7 ~ At Sunday night volleyball, we happen to have an irrational number of gentlemen named Jon.  So...the boys had t-shirts printed up.  Team spirit rocks.

The Jonsquad

I rejoice in God's help keeping me on track this semester (in many areas of my life), pray I will continue to be in communion with His will, and am thankful for the opportunity to share life with some truly wonderful people. ✝

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 7

Day 1 ~ Today, I made a hard decision.  I gave up my Kindle for the rest of the semester.  My number one pacifier when I want to hide away from the world/procrastinate is to lose myself in a book.  Unfortunately, the sheer quantity of time I spend free-reading has turned my Kindle into an idol of self-medication. So…I gave my Kindle to a dear friend as a means of accountability.

Bye bye

Day 2 ~ Last night I got 11 hours of sleep.  When I woke up, I cleaned my apartment, did laundry, got in a half day of work, and managed a full evening of studying.  Best. Day. In. Months.  #NewDay  I also got to help the Morning Star Tours’ Prayer Intercessor, Lana, celebrate her birthday.


Day 3 ~ My Spiritual Formation group meets at lunch time every Wednesday, so we often bring something to eat.  When Abi started munching on a giant, delicious looking apple, Lisa quipped, "I'd be tempted if the apple had looked like that."  #biblehumor #lovetheseladies 

Ann, Abi, Lisa, PJ, Amelia, Kim, Kristin

Day 4 ~ Our office complex decided to show their tenant appreciation by making us sugary mini donuts.  Delishousness!

Abby and Regina

Day 5 ~ Precious Julie brought a Valentine Cookie Cake (with our resident #Iloveus hash-tag) to the office.

Kristin, Julia, Regina, Abby

Day 6 ~ Abby blessed us with a Ladies Valentine's Day brunch.  She cooked a fancy meal, made a delish French Silk pie, and organized craftiness (we made scented heating pads).  Feeling so bless to have such wonderful girlfriends in my life!! :)
Abby, Julia, Sucy, Kristin


More Day 6 ~ The gentlemen of Washington Hall (the DTS dorm) organized a delightful Valentine's Day dinner for the ladies.  They went all out: they got all dolled up, cooked, decorated, entertained, and cleaned up after.  It was an amazingly affirming experience.  

DTS Valentine's Day Dinner

Day 7 ~ Abby and I trekked up to Allen to the Outlets and both found some amazingness at the Nine West store.  These shoes were the first thing I saw when I walked in the door and I completely flipped my lid.  They. Are. So. Me.  I also got a killer steal on a White House Black Market Genius dress, but who cares about that when I am the proud owner of these puppies.  I should name them. 


Work it

The camera loves you

I rejoice in God's ability to blow my mind with His expectation-shattering provision, pray I remember in the future how much better He knows me than I know myself, and am thankful for the answers to so many prayers coming to fruition this week. ✝

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 6

Day 1 & 2 ~ Due to some hard core procrastination, I was under the crunch on Monday & Tuesday to complete some assignments.  Not how I like to operate, but it is what it is.  Mantra: Tomorrow is a new day.

Brain drain

Day 3 ~ Abby and I found a fun trail near her house to walk on.  There was an underpass with an awesomely oversized painting of bikers. 

Road kill

Day 4 ~ This week was annual reviews at the Morning Star Tours office.  We had some fun with sticky notes as we mapped out our individual roles.

Leigh and Julia

Day 5 ~ Due to a rough week, I didn't have a Day 5 photo, but I came across this during a procrastination break and thought it summed up my feelings on this day.


Day 6 ~ The DTS Eikon media arts group on campus had a workshop to connect with fellow artsy type students.

Artsy types

Day 7 ~ My mom was on vacation from her missionary duties in Honduras and finally in a location with good wifi, so we were able to communicate much easilier (made up word) than usual.  It was awesome to not be encumbered by low-tech issues.

Lucinda and Kristin

I rejoice in the fact that I am seeing how the Lord has been answering prayers in my life, pray the Lord gives me wisdom on some pending decisions, and am thankful for a great relationship with my mother. ✝

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 5

Day 1 ~ Abi and I went to the park for our workout since it was such a beautiful day. :)
Abi and Kristin

Day 2 ~ I was in desperate need of a study buddy to help get me motivated, so Abi and I went to the library after our workout.
Abi and Greek lessons

Day 3 ~ I know this doesn't look like much, but I am excited over the fact that my apartment is tidy after a week of natural disaster mode.

Day 4 ~ At our office, we always take a photo when someone visits.  Abby had the brilliant idea to take a picture of all of us in the mirror so no one was left out.
Abby, Julia, Regina, Mike Cheri, Leigh, Dr. Hatteberg, and Kristin

Day 5 ~ I was very proud of my shopping ability.  I got all of this for $8 at Aldi.  Coupon score!

Day 6 ~ Ann and I drove up to Richardson to meet a missionary friend from China.
Ann and Kristin

Day 7 ~ Super Bowl Sunday.  The white blob in the background is the game.
Kristin and Abby
I rejoice in the fact that I can start over fresh each new day, pray the Lord helps me give myself grace when I stumble with school work, and am thankful for beautiful spring weather. ✝