Sunday, December 28, 2014

Week 0

In an attempt to be more joyful, prayerful, and thankful, I will spend the next 365 days appreciating the life God has given me.  As a soft lead-up, I started with the week of Christmas 2014...

Day 1 ~ I had a few friends over to my apartment for the first annual Kristin's Comfy Christmas party. We watched movies, played Hand & Foot, and ate pie.  

Abby and Megan

Nailed it!

Day 2 ~ Abby and I spent four hours roaming greater Dallas looking at Christmas lights. It was so awesome, we've already claimed it as future annual Christmas tradition!

Abby and Me

Two story Rudolf!

Christmas Cow Tipping

Day 3 ~ Christmas Eve was spent relaxing at "The Ranch" near Cedar Creek Lake. We were a multicultural group: Abi is from Japan, Sue is from Thailand, Sharon is from Kenya, and our wonderful hostess, PJ, is a born and bred Texan.  We introduced the girls to Christmas tree trimming and cookie decorating. 

Sharon, PJ, Sue, and Abi

Day 4 ~ Highlights of Christmas on the Ranch included putting together a puzzle while lounging by the fire, Bible trivia (the ever humbling Children's edition), introducing the girls to shooting guns, and fireworks.

PJ, Sue, Abi, and Sharon

Day 5 ~ My Christmas present to myself this year was a Vitamix (refurbished = affordable-er).  I'm a sucker for a sale on fruit, so I tend to purchase way more than I need and freeze most of it.  This means I have plenty of rations squirreled away for my latest health kick.


Day 6 ~ Speaking of that health kick and my new Vitamix...I made this delightful tasting, yet epicly sketchy looking, vegetarian chili.  Ingredients: Spinach, corn, carrots, peas, green beans, and tofu blended until unrecognizable.  Mixed with diced tomatoes, lentil beans, a whole mess of chili powder, and cayenne pepper to taste.


I rejoice in my new Dallas friendships, pray that my attitude is better next year, and am thankful for all the Lord has blessed me with in 2014 (despite my aforementioned attitude issue).